Page 22 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 22



                      Art to Da Vinci

              I was very curious as a child. Everything called my attention
              and understanding. I believed that there should be things more
              real, more live, more colorful than the things I could actually see
              around me. So I started touching everything, every material and
              felt them. I took them by hand, touched or tasted the materials,
              cut them or ripped them. Then my surroundings, people around
              me and nature became wonders to me and I started drawing on
              everything I could find—papers, notebooks, newspapers and
              even the walls and floors. Clothes, curtains, journals, everything I
              happily cut apart to make a new artistic creation. For my brothers
              and sisters it was obvious that I was an undisciplined child.
              My sister was interested in paintings and would tell me about
              famous artists. When she told me Leonardo Da Vinci, I felt
              a passion to become someone like him and to make great
              artworks equivalent to his and within that dream I saw myself
              been called ‘The Great Mongolian Artist Ariuntuya’ in the history
              of arts. These things influenced my artistic career a lot. My
              father happily supported me when he heard I wanted to become
              a famous artist. Also when I won the Arts Olympiad, I was
              delighted because it encouraged me a lot.
              Children take things as they are and express themselves without
              wearing a mask. That is why their expressions convey pure,
              precise, and important messages to the world. On the other
              hand, experience of feeling and building art play important role
              for their future.

              To create new things, to be able to see from different
              perspectives, to enjoy beauty and to adapt to new
              circumstances with distinct impressions are the abilities we can
              learn from art and this makes life more rich and more interesting   they learn to appreciate beauty and to understand aesthetics,
              and helps us to be positive.                      so their view of the world becomes brighter. When one is
                                                                conscious, positive and full of enthusiasm, one always creates
              Art is a universal and eternal language that has a power to   goodness filled with brightness. Development of the city,
              touch any human in any country. Art is a unique instrument that   country and furthermore of the whole world depends on the
              can convey feeling, emotion, concepts as well as values and   level of consciousness of each and every person.
              symbols which cannot be expressed through words, actions,
              and ordinary communication between persons.       I feel I am getting closer to peace, happiness and freedom.
                                                                People usually attribute happiness to fame and affluence. But
              To share interesting things such as one’s views, feelings, or   the world is rich with more meaningful and precious things.
              experiences, to question the audience and invite their reflection,   When an artist exhibits his or her artwork, a seed is planted in
              and to influence our environment and social consciousness   every spectator. That seed could grow into anything. So I look
              through art is the duty of the artist.            forward to spreading everything I want and sharing with others
                                                                through art.
              I think art influences a children a lot. Not only does it teach
              technical work, harmony, and history, it reaches into their hearts   Ariuntuya Jambaldorj, winner of the 2nd Arts Olympiad in
              and creates positive and creative personalities. When children   Mongolia, graduated in fine arts and is a professional painter in
              are exposed to art, their creativity, capabilities of freethinking,   Ulaanbaatar. Her works have been exhibited in many countries
              altruism and love for things, nature, and people develops, and   and she has won several awards. She is a teaching artist,
              gradually they learn to express themselves freely. Furthermore   inspiring kids to realize their potential and build their future.

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