Page 17 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 17


                  Fadhil Ahmad Qamar

                              Art to Engineering

              These days I am doing research on the blade design of wind   art instructors with various techniques and styles. In 2007 I
              turbines to capture more wind energy. Yogyakarta, in the   had another opportunity to attend the WCF but now as ICAF
              southern part of Java facing the Indian Ocean, has good   Youth Board Member. We helped organize the WCF and were
              potential for wind energy development in coastal area. Along   emcees on the stage. Being more involved provided me new
              with my professor, we build prototypes and test them. We are   experiences and knowledge of what happens behind the
              collaborating with local small enterprises to manufacture the   scene. The WCF is a great opportunity not only just for
              turbine itself.                                   learning about the arts, but to build connections between
                                                                art enthusiasts and activists around the globe.
              I want to make renewable technology more accessible,
              especially for those living in remote areas not connected by the   Besides the WCF, the ICAF has taken a part in several
              power grid. I am picturing myself in the future as a researcher   international forum where Youth Board Members serve as
              in this field, encouraging and empowering communities to   spokespersons and talk about creativity, peace and other
              start developing and innovating this technology.   topics. In 2008 I participated in the World Cultural Economic
                                                                Forum in New Orleans, Louisiana where I made a presentation
              My parents have always encourage me to read books,   as part of ICAF’s children’s panel. In 2010, ICAF joined the
              especially encyclopedias for children. Those were my Google   Global Competitiveness Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for
              in my childhood. They fostered my sense of curiosity. My   another children’s panel. I had a chance to join Saudi and
              parents are both architects and they draw a lot, which   international child panelists to make an artwork as souvenir for
              developed my interest in art.                     the forum. I think such occasions allow youngsters to convey
                                                                their thoughts to world leaders, policy makers and CEOs
              One significant challenge I face is my poor communication   gathered for the event. Our speeches inspired people and
              skills. This became apparent when I was doing my final   made them aware about our thoughts on the world they had
              project at the university which require project management   shaped for us. By having such an experience at this early
              and interpersonal skills. I learned how to communicate from   age, I feel more confident and courageous.
              people around me and little by little I managed to coordinate
              between my teams and completed the project. I am still in a   It takes determination to be a champion. So we shouldn’t stop
              long way to have good communication skills and I think I just   and get satisfied too soon. Our motto should be: “Love for
              need to keep learning and trying my best.         All, Hatred for None”. Sir Isaac Newton’s third law says that
                                                                when a force is applied form one body to another, the second
              My first experience joining ICAF was in 2003 when I was   body at the same time applies the same exact force back to
              selected as the Arts Olympiad winner from Indonesia and   the first. Simply put, action equals to reaction. When you give
              invited to the World Children Festival. This was my first   something good, then good things will happen to you and the
              experience of going abroad and that was one the best   same goes when you do the opposite. Conflicts and disputes
                                              experience I have   are inevitable as proof of how dynamic this world is, but war
                                              ever had. I made a   has never been and will never be the answer for a resolution.
                                              lot of friends from   Humans are born different and these differences we must
                                              around the world,   respect and understand. I think a world without war will
                                              some of them are   come about when people put aside their hatreds and spread
                                              still lasted until   love instead. Maybe not every good deed is rewarded, but
                                              now and I met     I believe that every action matters and will return to you
                                              numerous inspiring   someday in a way you might not expect.

                                                                            Fadhil Ahmad Qamar, graduated with
                                                                            honors in mechanical engineering from
                                                                            Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta,
                                                                            a city in Indonesia known for its universities
                                                                            and tradition of tolerance.

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