Page 19 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 19


                                                                    Victoria Yin

                                                                               Art as Fame

                                                                that might end up on someone’s wall if lucky. Fine art as
                                                                a practice is detached, useless, unfit, pretentious, and
                                                                maybe even boring for an increasingly fast-paced, short-
                                                                attention spanned consumer cultures and communities.
                                                                In addition, continuous new challenges to the infamous
                                                                ‘what is art’ question and what seems an increasing
                                                                subjectivity in the appreciation of art have watered down
                                                                the contemporary public’s respect for and interest in the
                                                                artistic practice and its practitioners. As such, the result is
                                    I am humbled and blessed    little attention given to fine art in communities as well as
                                    to have been sharing        limited encouragement and even doubt or scorn directed
                                    my creative work with a     towards children and youth practicing or pursuing fine art
                                    worldwide community for     because of its unpromising, impractical future.
                                    a decade. In the future, I
                                    hope to further cultivate   This shadow of practicality and societal judgment is
                                    the themes in my work,      something that not only I, but majority of practicing
                                    communicate with an even    artists, young, aspiring, or professional alike, must
                                    wider audience, and shed    acknowledge and bear today.
             light on the depth and significance of artistic practice in
             contemporary society.                              Even though it was years ago, I remember going to
                                                                DC [for the ICAF festival] and being in such a global
             In the past I have worked primarily with surrealistic motifs.   community and getting to interact with a lot of young
             A lot of themes I have covered have to do with human   artists who were united in the name of creativity and
             civilization and where we human beings are headed in the   peace was definitely an experience of a lifetime. I
             future.  I am really interested in seeing where humans and   came to realize that art is a versatile medium and a very
             machines meet. I don’t like to define a style I am working   empathetic medium and being in that diverse community
             in because I feel I am always evolving and should be   has in a sense spurred me forward and introduced me
             evolving and definition is a restriction in a way.   to the potential of what I could possibly do with my own
                                                                artwork. The spirit of the event is something I have worked
             Perhaps surprisingly yet not at all that unsurprisingly, I find   to and am still working to spread through my artwork
             that the person who’s challenged and stimulated me most   and establishment of the Victoria and Zoe Yin Global
             intellectually and creatively over the years is my younger   Foundation for Children’s Arts with my younger sister.
             sister, Zoe [also a child prodigy attending the Phillips
             Academy Andover]. There is no one more familiar with   Once a child prodigy in the arts, Victoria Yin is on her way
             and more willing to test and dispute my ideas than her.  to becoming an acclaimed artist. Winner of the 2nd Arts
                                                                Olympiad from Massachusetts at the age of 8, Victoria
             The most significant challenge I’ve come against in my   participated in the 2nd World Children’s Festival in 2003. The
             years as an artist is probably that the fine artist’s role   ChildArt magazine’s July-September 2005 issue featured
             seems to be growing abstruse in contemporary society.   her as spotlight artist.  As a nine year old, she wrote that
             Unlike the accountant, the engineer, the doctor, etc.,   “through art, I learn to understand our knowledge of form,
             whose roles and places in the world are more readily   the science of color, and the harmony between man and
             definable and acknowledged by the masses, the fine artist   manmade.” She is currently a junior at Brown University,
             appears good for nothing more than producing pictures   with a double major in fine arts and literary arts.

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