Page 26 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 26


                  Dr. Hina Inam

                              Art to Surgery

              As a shy girl with lots of dreams in her eyes I entered an
              arts competition and never did I think I’d win. And not
              just win, but fly all the way to America and meet people
              from all over the world. This was life changing. Not only
              did the experience give me confidence, it brought a
              realization that even wildest of dreams can come true.
              And it further flourished my love for art.

              I still remember the evening when the results were
              to be announced. My teacher took me along to “The
              Point” (place where the announcement was to be
              made). I had no clue what was going on. I was thrilled.
              When I went home, the expressions on the faces of my
              parents were priceless when I told them I had won and
              would be travelling to America. It was a great moment of
              my life. The ICAF has had a significant effect in making
              me more confident, more creative. I cannot thank
              ICAF enough.

              I had always wanted to be a doctor. The first time I saw
              the beating heart and the lungs in action, I was in love   surgery, anesthesia, cardiology—you name it and we have
              and in awe with the masterpiece that God had created.   them. My two best women friends are trauma surgeon
              Once I had ended my internship, I knew surgery was   and neurosurgeon.
              what I will do for the rest of my life. I love working with
              my hands. I could not just prescribe medications and   I have four siblings. My sister Sumera obtained a
              be happy. So surgery was it. But what type of surgery? I   master’s degree in statistics and teaches at Dow Medical
              loved neurosurgery and cardiac surgery, but had to select   University. Farah is a textile designer. My brother is an
              one. My love for the heart and the lungs won me over, so I   aeronautical engineer, and Ayesha, the youngest, is an
              am becoming a cardiac surgeon. I love the idea that I can   undergrad studying commerce.
              save a life.
                                                                For years Karachi’s walls have been spattered with the
              My love for arts has led me to where I am. Losing oneself   bloodstains of murder victims and scrawled with graffiti.
              in something other than your academics is essential in   Art has helped here, too. A group of artists and volunteers
              keeping ones sanity during the rigorous curriculum of   are reclaiming the walls by painting them with cheerful
              medical study. The observation of artwork, studying each   designs aimed at bringing some happiness and pride
              line, color, and the particular details which make the work   back to my violent, chaotic, and corrupt city.
              intricate in itself not only gives one a more firm grasp of the
              art, but can also build upon examination skills. Medicine is   Festivals like the ICAF’s can bring world peace by
              also an art form, with each intricate detail essential to the   convening artist from all over the world to share ideas
              welfare of individuals in the care of doctors.    and rid the world of hatred.

              Working in a men oriented department is an everyday   As the winner from Pakistan, Hina participated in the
              challenge. But we have many aspiring young women   1999 festival in Washington. She is now a doctor who
              here in all fields of medicine: urology, general surgery,   is completing her surgical residency in cardiothoracic
              neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, breast surgery, vascular   surgery at the Agha Khan University Hospital in Karachi.

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