Page 27 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 27

1998 ChildArt USA

                  Eric Huber

                             Art in Bluff City

              My dream for the world is to somehow bring to everyone   knowing as much as possible about as many things as
              a common understanding and open-mindedness to     possible helps you to make as many connections as you
              everyone else in the world. My greatest accomplishment   can. And the world needs as much connection as it can
              thus far has probably been my work with my writing   get. Be into things. Don’t worry
              partner, Josh McLane, and our creative venture, Stanley   about who thinks what is lame. If
              Justice Productions. We’ve hosted film showcases and   you’re into it, be into it and connect
              have gotten a few films into some local film festivals. Most   it to other stuff. And read.
              recently, we started creating our own super hero short
              films and plan on expanding our own little hero universe.  With three art degrees, all from
              The greatest influence on my imagination and sense   Memphis, his hometown, Eric
              of curiosity has definitely been my teachers and fellow   Huber is a graphic designer and
              art-makers. While my parents were definitely always my   videographer who is on track
              greatest encouragers and role models, my teachers and   to become a successful filmmaker.
              friends have pointed me in the direction of countless
              fascinations and curiosities.

              I never had anything happen to me like my experience
              with the ICAF (and haven’t since). With a drawing I did in
              5th grade, I won a trip to Washington D.C. for “ChildArt
              USA,” not only for me, but also for my father, art teacher,
              and her husband. That event may have also been what
              planted the seed in my parents’ and my head that art was
              a thing that I could one day do for my livelihood. I was
              always drawing Batman and Ninja Turtles, but from that
              point art making became “what I did”.

              I’m at a pretty challenging moment currently. I recently
              left a stable 9-5 day job and am currently one month
              into striking out on my own. I’m freelancing, part-time
              teaching, and even picking up a few shifts at a local
              restaurant. Even with all of that, I have more time for my
              creative work and I’m liking it so far.

              My message to the younger folks would be, Kids, the
              world constantly needs help understanding itself. Get
              smart. No matter what you decide to be as you grow up,

              I never had anything happen to me like my
              experience with the ICAF (and haven’t since).
              With a drawing I did in 5th grade, I won a trip
              to Washington D.C. for “ChildArt USA,” not
              only for me, but my father, art teacher, and her
              husband. That event may have also been what planted the seed in my parents’ and my head
              that art was a thing that I could one day do for my livelihood.”

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