Page 25 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 25


              defend themselves) that should not be tolerated;   On the other hand, if you are used to living within a
              education should not be confused with indoctrination or   context where you feel your fundamental rights are
              standardization, and even the concept of ‘peace’ should   observed, keep in mind that these circumstances have
              not be made synonymous (as it may sometimes happen)   never been inevitable, and that they may not go on
              with mere ‘passivity’.                            forever. That it is only because others have struggled
                                                                to make them real that you are now able to enjoy them,
              The challenges I face are to rise to the occasion when   and that it is your right and your duty to do them justice
              meeting the responsibilities entailed by adult life. To   day-to-day.
              keep following my career in academic teaching and
              research and to know how to make the most of those   You are lucky enough not to know the urges of need
              competences, for me and for others. To carry on   and have been given the power to choose, even if it is in
              with artistic creation as a key part (and not as simple   an extent according to your age. With respect to those
              complement) of my personal and professional growth.  children who have not been granted such conditions
                                                                (a privilege that should not be so, though in practice it
              You should not give in to the pressure to be ‘normal’, nor   certainly is), neither well-meant apologies nor a sentiment
              pressure others to be so. Understand that actual reality is   of pity will be of any use to them if not accompanied by
              not all there is. That there is also the world of possibility,   concrete actions. And although not everybody may be in
              which is open (or should be demanded to be so) for you   a position to take part in such actions directly, the power
              to do something with it. That creativity is not a prerogative   of each of us to express her or his convictions, to address
              of art, but can be exercised in the most diverse occasions   one’s government, to raise awareness, should not be
              of everyday life. In this sense, you can be the ‘artist’ in   underestimated. The resolution not to get involved is as
              some way or another, even if you do not paint, dance,   much a political stance as to do so. It is, in any case, a
              play music, or perform any other of the activities which   matter of responsibility, and it is up to you to decide what
              are traditionally recognized as ‘art’. I believe, however,   to do about it.
              that art offers a specific kind of experience, one I strongly
              encourage you to try either as creators or as spectators   Winner of the ICAF’s first competition in Argentina,
              (being both of these roles, in fact, less distinct from each   Alejandro Goldzycher represented his country at the 1999
              other than they seem to be at first).             festival. He is an ICAF Youth Board Member. He is working
                                                                towards a PhD in Literature at the University of Buenos Aires.

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