Page 21 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 21


                  Margaret Eloisa

                                       Ticlla Ccenhua

                             Art to Resoration

              From the National School of Fine Arts of Peru, I obtained
              a bachelors in fine arts, with a specialization in painting.
              I work for the city art gallery “Pancho Fierro”—a non-
              commercial space to promote cultural activities in the
              historical center of Lima. These cultural activities include
              hosting art exhibitions, conferences and workshops. I am
              preparing my path for advanced studies in restoration and
              conservation of cultural patrimony.

              I collaborated as a sculpture restorer of the Municipal
              Theater of Lima, which had been closed for many years
              due to a fire. The restored theater is one of the most
              beautiful theatres in Latin America and a venue for
              national and international artists.

              When I was 12 years old, I had the opportunity to
              participate in the ICAF’s first World Children’s Festival
              in Washington D.C. This was the first time I traveled
              abroad, to a place far, far away. We were thousands
              of children from around the world. It was a wonderful
              experience even if we could not communicate through our
              mother tongues. I guess our paintings were our way to
              communicate with each other and the world.

              Meeting these children awakened my curiosity for
              other cultures and for learning other languages. I
              consider that this experience motivated me to study
              art. It made me see art as a way to express how much   strong but it does not make the learning process
              we love, care and respect what is surrounding us,   easier. I still struggle every time I need to write in English
              nature and its multiple forms of life. I had the chance   or French.
              to visit a beautiful country, but above all, I had the
              opportunity to feel I was visiting every part of the   I dream for the world to offer equal access to good
              world through the children I was meeting.         education for every young girl or boy. Maybe it is too
                                                                naive but I also dream, as someone has dreamt before, a
              I want to learn and speak many languages because I   world full of love, with no wars, a world where there aren’t
              consider that they will open the gates for studying abroad,   inequalities due to religion, race, or social status.
              for learning about other cultures and for interacting with
              the people holding those cultures. And also because   Margaret Eloisa Ticlla Ccenhua was the finalist from
              I would like to read poetry as it was written in the   Peru and she participated in the ICAF’s first International
              original language. I feel that part of the meaning is lost   festival. She has organized Peru Arts Olympiads as ICAF
              in translation. My motivation to learn other languages is   Youth Board Member.

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