Page 29 - Child Art Magazine Transformative Experiences
P. 29

1998 ChildArt USA

                  Camilla Cohen

                             Art to Law

              When I first found out that I had won the ICAF competition I   issue and I think that the interplay between being hopeful, but
              was in middle school, and at that time my family had recently   also being cognizant of the challenges was kind of the purpose
              emigrated from South Africa to Florida. One of the main reasons   of that painting and where I was going with it. This kind of sounds
              why my family left and came to America, like so many other   depressing for maybe a 9 year old, but I remember thinking at
              people, was to provide us with opportunities. To receive an   the time being very aware of what was going on in the world but,
              invitation at that age and that time to go to Washington   hopeful that we were moving toward a better world.
              DC, have my artwork exhibited, meet other artists from
              around the country, see the National Monuments; it was an   Camilla’s message for you: I think enjoying art and doing art is
              incredible experience for so many different reasons as an   a very special thing and if it’s something that you’re passionate
              artist but also as a person.                      about put all of your energy into it and do everything you can
                                                                to foster and nurture that talent. Don’t let anyone tell you that
              It definitely left an impression on me for the rest of my life and   you shouldn’t be an artist or you shouldn’t pursue that because
              also for my family. At that time my mom, grandmother, and   people that are successful in this would pursue things that make
              brother had come with me to Washington and it was really   them most happy. If art is that for you, than that is something you
              special. I definitely still remember it and art has always been   should devote every hour of your life to. What I took away from
              a part of my life. When I was younger, I did it as a way to   my experience with the International Child Art Foundation was
              express myself and as I grew older it was also an expression   that there are other people out there all around the world from
              but a passion as well. Even though I didn’t end up doing art   different countries that love art just as much as you do and also
              as a career, it’s still a part of my life. I still paint, I still draw, I   have something to say about it which is really incredible. So if
              still discuss art with my mom, I visit exhibitions, and I go to   sometimes you think you are different just remember that there
              museums. It’s like the love of my life.           are thousands of other people out there all across the world that
                                                                are just like you.
              Once I graduated from college I ended up with Teach for America
              in Spanish Harlem, New York City. For those two years it was   The making of the America Mural was incredible! There was
              interesting to see what the teenagers were going through at that   this moment when we all had different perspectives, but we
              time. My favorite moments of teaching were the times I had to   were all coming together, unified. In that moment, while there
              interact with students and be a voice of reason in their lives,   were among difference amongst us, what was common was
              when maybe they felt like they couldn’t speak to their parents or   art. It was a really cool experience.
              didn’t have anyone to talk to about their fears or dreams. It was
              a great experience. Eventually I decided that I wanted to pursue   Camilla Cohen, Esq. works with a law firm in Florida. She
              my other dream which was going to law school. I did that after   represents policyholders against insurance companies who
              teaching for two years and now practice law.      show bad faith and sues them for contractual damages. In 1998,
                                                                Camilla represented Florida at the first national arts festival in US
              And I love it! The creativity never ends. It’s funny because I think   history hosted by the ICAF on The National Mall and the Ronald
              as an artist I bring a different perspective to law in a profession   Reagan Building and International Trade Center.
              that most people would think is filled with people who are much
              more linear in their thinking. My background in art has given
              me a different perspective on how I approach situations and
              analyze issues. Law is challenging in a different way than art.
              Everyday I’m learning, and everyday I’m growing. Until it stops
              being rewarding, I won’t do law, but for right now it’s rewarding
              in a different way. Art feeds my creative passion, and law feeds a
              different curiosity that I always had as well.

              As a child, and still as an adult, you have hope that we’re
              progressing and moving towards a better good. I remember
              that the rose colored glasses represented that and I was looking
              through them and there was a rainbow. I also remember the
              picture had a lot of realistic concerns we had in the world at that
              time and unfortunately that we still have. Issues like HIV.  I came
              from a country where the aids epidemic was disastrous and the
              average life expectancy of someone was dramatically lower than
              it is in more developed countries. So for me, that was a very real

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