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P. 18


                 To Promote Friendship, Be a Friend

                                                                                            Frienshipology workshop
                                                                                            in New Zealand: making a
                                                                                                fan for a friend.

         For the 2015 World Children’s Festival, Stephen        larities.  Think of peace and war or love and hate. What
         Smuin, Chris Fiorentini and I designed a special work-  can we all agree on? What do we all essentially want?
         shop on Friendshipology-our term for the study         What can we, as 20 young international students, do
         and promotion of friendship. The plan:  inspire ap-    together to make a meaningful contribution to promot-
         proximately twenty highly motivated 11 to 13 year-old   ing friendship? Our thought was to put forth our feel-
         students from around the globe to promote friendships   ings and our hopes by writing, decorating, and signing
         in their lives and communities.We wanted to begin by   a Declaration of Interdependence. This was particularly
         creating joy, optimism, and a comfort zone with our    historic during the Festival week of July 4th, which
         group hailing from many different countries, cultures,   marks the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Indepen-
         and backgrounds.  By using imaginative artistic games   dence. We see this as a commitment for children and
         such as Crayon Culture (in which we attach a line of   a challenge for their adult mentors.  Together, we can
         crayons kids have pre-labeled with something they value  create a world where friendshipology thrives.
         to the top of a foam core board and use a hair dryer to   Do you have your own ideas for friendshipology?
         melt them into a vibrant web of overlapping colors)    What can you do to involve and challenge adults with
         we could encourage them to open up and find magic      serious discussions on what friendship means for our
         qualities in each other. Together, they could discover the   joint communities and world? Gather a group together
         enlightening power in group collaboration.             and see what you come up with.  We invite you to share
           Once this was established, we could begin brain-     (with your parent’s permission) your ideas with Child-
         storming.  What is Friendship and why does it matter?    Art.  Click on the Friendship Fans link on the ChildArt
         How does it begin and how does it grow? What do we     website to download a pdf file with a template for your
         need to sustain it?  With personal experiences, values,   own friendship fan.3
         and traditions, we begin to see our differences and simi-

         18  ChildArt  |  October–December 2015
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