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28      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                                                                                                                                           JAN-MAR 2021      29

            At the age of three, Mohsin Hamid left Lahore,                                                                            FOR THERE WAS
            Pakistan with his family and traveled 7,550           EMPATHY AS  A                                                       A MOMENT WHEN
            miles to CA for his father’s studies at Stanford
            University. There, Mohsin began a typical 1970s                                                                           ANYTHING WAS
            California childhood, running barefoot in the street,   SUPERPOWER                                                        POSSIBLE. AND THERE
            camping in the woods, playing Dungeons and                                                                                WILL BE A MOMENT WHEN
            Dragons, and playing make-believe. “Like many
            kids, I used to pretend all sorts of things. I would                                                                      NOTHING IS POSSIBLE.
            climb into a tree and imagine that I was on an                                                                            BUT IN BETWEEN WE CAN
            island, that the grass below me was an ocean,                                                                             CREATE.”
            that the leaves were the fins of sharks. And I think,
            unlike a lot of people, I never stopped doing this. I
            continue doing this professionally, today. I make up              MOHSIN HAMID                                            -MOHSIN HAMID
            worlds in the form of novels. I play make-believe
            for a living.”                                                                      AUTHOR

            His first book, Moth Smoke, published in 2000,
            established him as a writer of repute. His second                                   LAHORE
            book, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, became a
            New York Times bestseller and was made into
            a movie starring Riz Ahmed, Kate Hudson, and
            Kiefer Sutherland. His third book, How to Get
            Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, was praised as “a                                                                             any other creative or worthwhile pursuit, is the result   school loans. Little by little, he was able to cut back
            globalized version of The Great Gatsby.” His                                                                              of putting in the time. “Work is an  undervalued    on his consulting work and spend more time writing,
            recent book, Exit West—winner of the L.A. Times                                                                           attribute in contemporary society. We don’t         eventually moving to London to write full time.
            Book Prize for Fiction, was selected for the New                                                                          expect a successful farmer to harvest wheat unless
            York Times Ten Best Books of 2017 list.                                                                                   they put in the time. We shouldn’t expect a writer to   Mohsin’s  creativity  is  enhanced  by  empathy.

            Mohsin’s journey from his homeland of Pakistan to a                                                                       successfully grow a chapter or a book unless they   “Empathy is a beautiful capacity that humans
                                                                                                                                                                                          have. It allows us to imaginatively leap across
            newfound home in California marked the beginning                                                                          put in the time. Kids often imagine being an Olympic   barriers that we think separate us.” Mohsin’s
            of personal migrations that have endowed his life                                                                         gymnast, or a professional basketball player, or a   understanding of empathy has evolved through
            with friendship and broadened his definition of                                                                           rock guitarist, or a novelist. But each of those people   the years. “I used to think empathy, in and of itself,
            community. “I care about issues of migration,                                                                             has put in a lot of time. You don’t become a rock   was enough. But something in addition to empathy
            identity, foreign policy and public policy. I’m                        “I AM A STORYTELLER AND                            guitarist unless you enjoy playing the guitar. You   is required. There is a moral compass that must
            quite passionate about these things. Some                                                                                 don’t become a basketball player if you don’t like   be applied to ourselves with empathy. Empathy is
            people believe that art should be nonpolitical.                THEREFORE AN OPTIMIST, A FIRM                              playing basketball. You don’t become a novelist if   the superpower of humans. Will you use it to be a
            I’m not one of those people.”                                BELIEVER IN THE ETHICAL BEND OF                              you don’t actually like writing. If you don’t put in   villain or a hero? This question requires each of us

            When Mohsin was in the fourth grade, his teachers             THE HUMAN HEART, A BELIEVER IN                              the time, then it’s a perfectly pleasant dream to   to develop our own moral compass.”
                                                                                                                                      have, but it’s just a dream.”
            thought that he couldn’t write. He was sent to a                                                                                                                              Mohsin believes that “kids are very robust and brilliant
            special needs classroom for extra help.  The                   THE MIND’S APPETITE FOR TRUTH                              From his college days at Princeton University through   creatures,” yet, nurturing all that is good in children
            teacher there asked Mohsin to print rather than                   AND ITS DISGUST WITH FRAUD.                             his law school days at Harvard University, Mohsin   can be daunting for an adult. Each child is embarking
            write in cursive. She quickly noticed that he was                                                                         has made a place for writing. He was privileged to   upon a unique journey. Our collective efforts to guide
            a good writer! “They figured out that my writing               I’M A BELIEVER IN THE POWER OF                             study under the renowned author Toni Morrison       them along the way are such a critical part of human
            was good. It was just that my handwriting was               KNOWLEDGE AND THE FEROCITY OF                                 at Princeton. About a year into law school, Mohsin   civilization. He wishes for kids to understand that,
            atrocious, and my spelling was very bad.” From                                                                            feared he had made a terrible mistake because he    “everyone is trying, but nobody is quite sure. Find
            that point on, they allowed Mohsin to print rather         BEAUTY, SO FROM MY POINT OF VIEW,                              didn’t love the study of law or the idea of practicing   teachers who understand and support what you’re
            than write in cursive. “If my elementary school                 YOUR LIFE IS ALREADY ARTFUL—                              law. “I was lucky enough to find an advisor who     trying to do. Understand that you do not deserve
            teachers had insisted that I write in cursive or that I                                                                   allowed me to submit a work of fiction as my law    to be harmed. Learn to communicate how you
            spell very well, they could have destroyed the love       WAITING, JUST WAITING, FOR YOU TO                               school thesis instead of a traditional legal analysis.   feel, value yourself, and find a way to tell your
            that I have for writing.”                                                                                                 My novel was about a trial, so he said that would
                                                                                                 MAKE IT ART.”                        work.” Mohsin finished law school and worked as a   own story.” This is sage advice from one who
            Although Mohsin has always loved to create stories                                                                        management consultant in New York to pay off his    knows the power of an exquisite story.
            and write, he imparts that good writing, as well as                                 TONI MORRISON

        MOHSIN HAMID EMPATHY AS A SUPERPOWER                                                                                                                                                                               
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