Page 27 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
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26      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                         JAN-MAR 2021      27



                    RON D’VARI




 One of the most important fundamental mathematical   shapes, proof, and forms, he earned the nickname   options  and  understanding  when  it  is  time  to   Hall. Now he lives in New York and still frequents
 concepts we learn in school is the Pythagorean   of ‘Future Pythagoras’ from his eighth-grade teacher.   transition into something new. Rather than being   museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
 Theorem. While at first we practice this concept   married to an idea, he emphasizes flexibility.
 to find the missing side of a triangle in geometry   Ron gained admission to a prestigious technical   He describes his work as creating a “LEGO kit of   An optimist, Ron prioritizes looking at the bright
                                                                side of situations even when solutions seem
 university to study engineering, a highly desired field
 class, we later learn that it has many more real
 life applications. These can range from using the   in a country that was growing rapidly. As the political   finance”—putting together the right building blocks   difficult to find. Considering the increased use
 formula in architecture or navigation, to the making of   atmosphere in Iran grew tense, Ron decided to study   for credit, assets, risk, or compliance. “Finance and   of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic he
 video games, and so much more. By using problem   in the United States instead. He completed his BS,   engineering are actually very close; it’s a game of   says students will learn to “use tools they may have
 solving and creativity, individuals have found this one   MS and PhD in engineering at UCLA before joining   modeling and projections.” Since he also works on   avoided for a long time and they will learn to use
 Boeing Corporation, only to return to UCLA after a
                                                                them before being afraid of them. It’s sort of like the
            derivatives, he compares his life to “a series of ten-
 concept to be useful and applicable in many fields.
 few years for an MBA with a concentration in finance.   year options. At every one of my jumping points, I   first time you jump off a diving board. It’s scary, but
 Dr. Ron D’Vari is a leader whose love for solving   gave it a lot of thought. If you’re not thinking about   once you do that, you want to do that every day. Kids
 math puzzles began in the classroom at a young   He was one of the early “financial engineers” to   your choices, you’re giving an option away.”   will have the ability to look at a virtual world that was
 age and led to eventually working in the field   join Wall Street, where he worked with BlackRock,   coming, but now in a much faster way.” Furthermore,
 of financial engineering. When he was a student   weathered  the  2007  financial  crisis,  and then   As a boy, Ron was motivated by his mother to   perseverance is important to him. He lost both his
            enter a national art contest where he chose to
 founded NewOak Capital, a financial services
 in Tehran, Iran, Ron realized he had to be always   company in New York City.  parents at a young age. Having a strong sense of
 prepared for when the teacher would call on him   draw using charcoal. He had a strong interest in   purpose combined with the ability to adapt to change
 to come to the board to solve a problem. With his   Through his life experiences, Ron has come to   drawing portraits. As an adult, when he lived in Los   with optimism and innovation is what makes Ron an
 particular passion for trigonometry as it involved   understand the importance of exercising one’s   Angeles, he and his wife donated to the Los Angeles   exemplary global creative leader.
            County Museum of Art, as well as the Disney Music

 DR. RON D’VARI ENGINEERING THE FUTURE                                                           
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