Page 33 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
P. 33

32      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                         JAN-MAR 2021      33

 net, a moment in time when our political leaders   EMPOWERING
 were willing to regulate corporations and services
 for the public good.”
 At the Marguerite Casey Foundation, she is   OTHERS
 working for inclusivity. She wants to make sure
 that people who have been excluded from sharing
 the resources of our economy and of representation   CONT.
 in our democracy find a seat at the table. “One of
 the things that’s happening right now in our
 world is that everybody wants to be a winner
 without talking about who loses when one of
 us wins. What we’re seeing in our work day-to-day
 is that young people are not only engaging more,
 but they are framing the conversations that we’re
 having as a nation right now. I think it’s a critical
 moment for all of us to sit back and listen. There’s
 a real appetite for young people to shape the future,
 which is theirs now. I am committed to a generational
 shift. There’s something that a young person said
 that really struck me: ‘I’m willing to do whatever I
 can to make sure generations after me live lives
 of dignity and hope, and are filled with joy, and
 their dreams and desires are represented in our
 economy and our democracy.’“

 Trust and empathy are pathways to inclusivity.
 “Oftentimes, this is not found through the reports or
 through the statistics, it’s found through creativity.
 It’s the books that moved you and somebody else.
 It’s the song that makes you dance or smile. It’s the
 poem that is resonant and reflective of a moment
 that we’re living in. As an organization we’re on a fun
 journey, trying to be really thoughtful about how we
 bring creativity into our work in every way.”
 She recommends reading books because of the
 opportunity to put yourself in somebody’s else’s life.
 “You become the protagonist when you read a book.
 You interpret every detail through your experience,
 your stories, the songs that you love, the food that
 you love, the smells that you love, everything that
 brings you pain. That’s one of the things that I love
 about reading, that there’s this opportunity to be the
 center in somebody else’s story. To bring my lens
 to their work.”

 As she participates in the work of finding joy for
 others, Carmen sings. “I do sing,” she says. “I sing
 to myself and I sing for our staff. Somebody recently
 told me that the way that they know I’m happy is
 that I’ll just start to sing.” She admits that there’s
 “a constant jukebox in my mind. Always singing,
 humming, whistling songs.”

 CARMEN ROJAS EMPOWERING OTHERS                                                                  
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