Page 24 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
P. 24

24      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                                                                                                                                           JAN-MAR 2021      25



                                   DR. MICHAEL SCHAEFER

                               CHAIRMAN, BMW FOUNDATION


            In the local newspaper of a small central           about it. The auditorium fell quiet. Then students                    and countries in the quest for a peaceful, just, and   Department. I went to the Assembly Hall, and here
            Pennsylvania town, he had been introduced and       started coming up to him to express their                             sustainable future. Currently, Michael is chairman   we go, Germany had become a respected member.
            welcomed as the newly arriving foreign-exchange     support and dismay at what had happened.                              of the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt. Born          That pushed me to go into the Foreign Service. My
            student from Germany. But as he walked over the                                                                           and raised in Germany, he spent many years in       first assignment in the German Foreign Service a
            parking lot on his first day of high school, a group of   “That was a negative experience turned positive                 the Foreign Service. His work included working      few years later was back to the UN in New York.
                                                                because I had dared to tell them how I felt. That is
            boys greeted him with a “Heil Hitler” salute.                                                                             extensively on the “Agenda for Peace” under United   And I could sit in that seat and represent Germany.
                                                                something for young people to learn—you have
            The excitement the sixteen-year-old had felt when   to dare showing feelings. Sometimes people                            Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, representing   That was really an amazing experience.”
            he boarded a Super Constellation propeller-driven   hurt you without necessarily meaning to.”                             Germany  in  the  Human  Rights  Commission  in     Human rights has always been an important
            plane in Germany to spend a day sightseeing                                                                               Geneva, negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, and      topic for Michael. During his time in Geneva he
            in Manhattan before  taking a long bus ride to      Michael was an excellent soccer player which did                      serving as the German Ambassador to the People’s    negotiated complex and controversial human
            a  welcoming  host  family  had  turned  into  a    not go unnoticed by the football coach. “The coach                    Republic of China.                                  rights issues. He learned that it is essential to
            humiliation that hurt him.                          asked me to come up to the field and showed me                        His high school United Nations conference was a     try to establish a personal relationship with
                                                                an American football. The American football looked
            This was summer 1965. The war had ended twenty      to me like an egg. And I said, ‘what do you do with                   foreshadowing of things to come. Also while in high   those  you  negotiate  with.  This  will  help  one
            years  earlier,  long  before  any  high  schooler  was   that kind of egg?’ And he said, ‘well, you kick it the          school, Michael’s class took a trip to New  York.   understand where the real discrepancies are and
            born.  “I  came  from  a  family  which  had  not  been   way you kick your soccer ball, and you try to bring             They visited the United Nations. “We went into the   what is necessary to build a convergence. “I think
            part of that past,” says Dr. Michael Schaefer. “I had   it between those two poles and above the bar.’ So                 General Assembly Hall. Of course, all my American   it  is  always  possible  to  find  a  way  to  overcome
            never before been personally confronted with our    I did it, kicking it with the side of my foot. I did it               school friends went to sit at the US table. And I   differences.  If  it  seems  impossible  to  bridge  the
            past.” When the school arranged a model United      once, I did it ten times, I did it twenty times. And                  was  trying  to  find  Germany’s  seat. At  the  side  of   gaps that does not mean you have to give up. It
            Nations  a  few  weeks  later,  Michael  was  selected   he said, ‘OK, next Saturday is junior varsity.’ I got            the Assembly Hall, there were two observer seats.   means that it is a long-term process. It is extremely
            to talk about human rights on the stage of the big   into the high school team and in two weeks I was in                  One was the Federal Republic of Germany, which      important to keep the personal conviction that it is
            auditorium with several hundred students. For three   the varsity team. I was the only high school kicker                 was West Germany—my Germany. The other was          possible to find solutions.”
            nights he could not sleep because he did not know   then  who  played  soccer-style.  That  was  such                     the German Democratic Republic, which was East      Mr.  Schaefer  has  good  advice  for  young  people
            what to say.  When he had been 12 years old, he     an experience—I think it made me dare to do                           Germany. I realized we were not a full member of    today. “It is always individual people who change
            had played the lead role in a theater production    things that I would’ve never dreamt I would be                        the UN. I said to a friend there that I would love   the world—individual people who connect with each
            of  Antoine  de  Saint  Exupéry’s  The  Little  Prince.   able to do.”                                                    to sit here one day on the seat of Germany being    other to build a community of purpose, becoming
            From this theater experience he knew he had the                                                                           a respected member. Ten years later, after I had    part of a team. Responsible leadership starts at
            courage to speak in  front of a group.  When he     Michael is a bridge builder. He is the kind of bridge                 finished my law studies, and without really following   a young age. Young people can create powerful
            was even younger, participating in the Catholic     builder that Nelson Mandela described when he                         this UN avenue, I decided to go into international   movements—like Fridays for Future. Join hands to
            Boys Organization,  he had learned  empathy and     said,  “We  are  committed  to  building bridges                      law. During my dissertation, I was invited for a one-  build a community of purpose that will contribute to
            responsibility for others. With the influence of these   and helping to embrace all of humanity under                     year internship at the UN in New York, and in 1976,   solving the problems the world faces today. Then
                                                                one umbrella and move forward in strength and
            two experiences, he decided to tell the story of his                                                                      exactly ten years after I had visited with my class,   you will feel that you personally have the power to
            greeting on the first day at school and how he felt   confidence to a better future.” Michael has spent                   I was an intern there in the UN Security Council    contribute to change.”
                                                                his life working to build bridges between people

        DR. MICHAEL SCHAEFER DIPLOMATIC DYNAMICS                                                                                                                                                                           
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