Page 22 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
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22      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                                                                                                                                           JAN-MAR 2021      23

            CELEBRATING                                  Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday                 the beauty of different ways of dressing, different languages
                                                         dear Leigh, happy birthday to you! When Leigh Rawdon
                                                                                                                                      and accents, different foods— it can really help you connect to
            ORIGINALITY                                  was a child, her mother threw her a dazzling Cinderella                      things that are different from your day-to-day life. You see things
                                                         birthday party. This was a party like no other. Her mother
                                                                                                                                      in a new light.”
                                                         created colorful cut-out Cinderella invitations and even
                                                         dressed up like Cinderella for the party. Leigh’s mother                     Leigh and her cofounder decided upon Tea Collection for the
                                                         valued originality. “She very much honored any kind                          name of their company. “We wanted a name that would evoke
                                                         of work that was original.” Her mother made open-faced                       the values that we were trying to bring to life. When you drink
                                                         sandwiches with a mosaic of edible decorations and also                      tea, very often, you share a connection with someone else. Tea
                                                         creative wreaths to decorate their door. She encouraged the                  is something that is common in so many cultures around the
                                                         same kind of originality from Leigh. “If I were to write a paper             world. It may taste a little different, have different flavors, but it
                                                         for high school, it could not be like anything anyone else                   all comes back to the same shared experience. It’s timeless. It’s
                                                         had ever written. I grew up in the 70s and 80s—well before                   popular now and it will be popular for years to come. And that’s
                                                         Instagram and Pinterest—so my mom found inspiration                          also an important value for us—sustainability. Tea, the drink,
                                                         entirely on her own. She didn’t do things the cookie                         reflects these values, so we named the company Tea Collection.”
                                                         cutter way. I had these values instilled in me through                       Kids are quite good at figuring out how to use what they
                                                         her example.”                                                                have to get what they need. Leigh credits this childhood trait
                                                         Leigh Rawdon is the founder and CEO of Tea Collection,                       of resourcefulness, combined with hard work and grit for the
                                                         a line of children’s clothing inspired by the cultures of                    foundational growth of Tea Collection. A combination of creativity,
                                                         the world. From the company’s beginning in 2002, it has                      empathy and hard work can result in an element of optimism. “You
                                                         grown into an award-winning fashion brand. Creativity,                       have to believe that it’s going to be OK. You have to have dreams
                                                         entrepreneurship and a deep respect and appreciation for                     to pursue and believe in yourself—believe you can get there.”
                                                         the vibrant and diverse cultures of the world have been the                  Leigh’s advice for you is to maintain and keep connections, and
                                                         secrets to her success.                                                      to find things to be curious about. “Staying connected to family

                                                         Growing up in Memphis, Tennessee, she was a young                            and friends is essential—especially in times like these. And
                                                         entrepreneur, creating what we might today call the                          finding something to be curious about is also really important. I
                                                         “Door Dash of lemonade stands” as she ran around the                         think my generation thinks we should turn off the screens and
                                                         neighborhood delivering lemonade. She also sold tickets                      get out the arts and crafts, but we must be open to new ways of
                                                         and concessions to neighborhood plays she orchestrated.                      being creative with the tools and technology available today. Make
                                                         Leigh obtained an MBA from Harvard Business School.                          your own little iMovie! Let your brain get lost, in a beautiful way,
                                                         While there, she was mentored by academic, business                          solving how to make an audio file or create something with technology.”
                                                         consultant, and author, Clayton Christensen, who she                         Leigh champions originality and ingenuity. Experience has taught
                                                         recalls was “a magnificent thinker and a magnificent human.                  her that creative leaders possess resilience, grit, and empathy.
                                                         He instilled in all of his students the importance of                        Most importantly, she believes that everyone should be
                                                         approaching all people with humanity and respect, no                         treated with respect and humanity. “It’s important to be
                                                         matter the circumstance.”                                                    yourself and to be celebrated.”
                                                         Through her passion for travel, Leigh determined that it was
                                                         “deeply important for children, from the earliest age, to be
                                                         exposed to not only the world around them, but the world
                                                         beyond them.” She wanted to be a part of creating global
                                                         connections, and inspiring curiosity in the littlest citizens of
                                                         the world. She wanted to help people feel at home in more
                                                         places than their own hearth. “We are all just participants
                                                         on this planet. We need to treat each other as more
            LEIGH RAWDON                                 similar than different. Even when immersed in a part
                                                         of the world where everything may look, smell, or taste
            FOUNDER + CEO                                different, at the core, we are all just people.”

            TEA COLLECTION                               Leigh travels the world exploring cultures to find inspiration
                                                         for print, pattern and color for her clothing line. “Experiencing
            SAN FRANCISCO                                cultures beyond your own helps you appreciate beauty—

        LEIGH RAWDON CELEBRATING ORIGINALITY                                                                                                                                                                               
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