Page 17 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
P. 17

16      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                         JAN-MAR 2021      17






 Hundreds of years ago, talented storytellers and   ways to do business and meet the needs of clients.   kinds of moments, that often spring from listening,   Today, near his home in rural Maine, Fred enjoys
 artists made beautiful books called illuminated   He even helps design conversations, reminding   looking, and making connections. Fred’s family   his association with the children in his close-knit
 manuscripts. These books were handwritten and   us of the joy of human connection that can result   life was not always problem free, and sometimes   community. Fred suggests that “children are expert
 were decorated with brilliant designs and miniature   from talking with actual live beings compared with   even included heartache and loss. “I’ve kind of   in most things.” They understand that one rule simply
 pictures in the margins around the text. Originally,   screen-based technology. As one of the world’s   lived my whole life knowing that we all have a   stated as “be safe,” can often do the job of fifty rules
 they were embellished with gold and silver. In time,   most creative thinkers, he finds solutions through   time limit. We have to make every minute count.”   about all the things one can and can’t do. As children
 the  embellishment  was  sometimes  added  with   thoughtful design.  explore human values, their minds are open to how
 colorful dyes made from plants. The illuminations   When the time came to decide upon a career, Fred   they and others feel. “We can learn so much from
 offered clarity, additional information, and beauty.   Fred’s creative approach to life runs deep. He was an   gave himself the space to explore. He tried theater,   kids. Children are leading the way for global climate
 They were treasured works of art. The books were   extreme reader as a young child, devouring volumes   revolutionary studies, politics, activism, history, art,   change. They are great at design. At IDEO (the
 not quick and easy to make. The paper for the pages   of Hardy Boys and Agatha Christie mysteries, and   and architecture. Ultimately, he earned his BA in art   international design firm where Fred was Global
 was called vellum. It was made from animal skins,   performing in weekly childhood plays of those same   history and then went on to UC Berkeley to obtain a   Managing Partner) we did a lot of listening to kids.
 usually calf, sheep, or goat. Frequently monks were   Hardy Boys novels. Later, he created a few of his   master’s in architecture. His education and creative   Children can lose their expertise as they enter the
 the makers of these books. Sometimes they found   own illuminated manuscripts, before he had even   thinking paved the way for his success as an architect,   adult world, so we can’t consider creativity, art, sports
 the task to be quite tedious and would complain   formally learned of them, as embellished letters to   author, designer, international consultant, and now   and play as luxuries for kids; they are necessities.”
 that the paper was too hairy, or the room they were   his brother away at summer camp, and other pieces   design advisor at the Rockefeller Foundation.
 working in was too cold. But in the end, their work   of visual art.   One key to his success is the approach he takes   Light is a form of energy and children are great
 was beautiful and is still treasured today.  Fred spent long childhood days with neighborhood   to empathy. “I take things a little further than   participants in the energy and brightness of life.
                                                                What can children do to illuminate their own lives
 The word illuminate means to shine a light on, or   children playing in the streets of Chicago, in vacant   empathy. I ask people to fall in love with the people   and those of others? Fred says “talk to your pets.
 to brighten with light. Shining a light on something   lots, and construction sites, barefoot and free. He   they are designing for. If you don’t love the people you   Go have a serious conversation with your dog or
 helps us to see it more clearly. Perhaps we see   also spent time in rural Indiana in the care of his   are designing for or the final users of your design, it’s   your cat or your fish. Remember that you are there
 more of something—a bigger picture, or perhaps   great grandmother, Alma, a strong and hardworking   evident in the work. You’re going to make something   for them just as they are there for you. Understand
 we see something in a new way, or perhaps we   woman who was both a farmer and a steel mill worker   better if you fall in love with who you’re designing for.”   that humans are not the only species. We have
 gain clarification.  after the Second World War. Fred learned much   Fred goes on to explain that to make this happen you   an important responsibility to respect and protect
 from his great-grandmother. “My grandmother   have to look for the commonalities between people   all species.” And also, “listen to good stories, and
 Fred Dust is a designer who illuminates. He   was an exceptional storyteller. You wanted to   and between cultures. There are fundamental human   learn to tell good stories. Practice speaking your
 shines a light on human connections, global   listen to her.” On occasion, the stories she told   elements to be found in most situations.  thoughts out loud. Learn how to speak up when
 needs, and reform. With an eye for both art and   would convey moments of illumination about life.   something is important. This is something you’ll
 understanding he helps companies find innovative   Fred has learned to be on the lookout for these   Children can be some of the best experts at   need to practice forever, but it’s worth it.”
            focusing on these fundamental human elements.

 FRED DUST ILLUMINATING IDEAS                                                                    
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