Page 22 - ChildArt_Oct-Dec 2020_ABCDstudy
P. 22

Artist Profile



            Srinjoy Gangopadhyay was born into                                                                                            Utopia
            a family of artists in Kolkata, India.
            His father was a very popular illustrator
            and studio artist, and as a child, Srinjoy was                                                                     filled with Hindu and Buddhist mythological stories   in the world, made me aware of the contradictions
            surrounded by paint, paper, canvas, and                                                                            and religious art. The books on ancient Indian Art   between Utopia and reality,” he admits. “This, in turn,
            the smell of oil paint. His father’s studio had                                                                    fascinated Srinjoy, especially the amazing monumental   made me interested in exploring ‘Utopia’ in my art.” To do
            books and catalogs about many artists—               with a brush in his hand, painting right next to him. After   murals in the Ajanta Caves. He                                              this, he is influenced by the
            ranging from the great masters of Renaissance Art to   a while, Srinjoy asked his father for “that brush” he was   also read graphic novels like                                               visual language of “Pop” and
            Modern Art and the Surrealists. “From a very young age,”   painting with. “I thought it was the brush that made all   the “Amar Chitra Katha” series,                                          Urban Art: internet memes,
            he says, “I would turn the pages and immerse myself in   the difference!”                                          with its stories from the worlds                                            colorful vintage Bollywood
            the ocean of paintings they showed.” Later, he read about                                                          of mythological Hindu and                                                   billboards, Dada collages,
            many artists’ lives and their artistic journeys.     Srinjoy’s uncle, who was into advertising and graphic
                                                                 design, used to play a game with him. He would draw a         Buddhist Gods, as well as Marvel                                            and street art/graffiti culture.
            On his first day of school, Srinjoy came home and made   few lines on a blank piece of paper; then he’d challenge   and DC comics.                                                             In his “ICON” series
            drawings of the school, his new friends, parents, and cars.   Srinjoy to draw something that incorporated those    In his current art practice,                                                of paintings, he uses
            His father was very enthusiastic about his early creations:   lines—filling in the blanks to finish the drawing. It   he has focused on the theme of                                           popular images of famous
            He framed a few of Srinjoy’s drawings to hang in the   was Srinjoy’s favorite game. In addition to visiting art    “Utopia,” or a perfect world. He                                            personalities; he reinterprets
            family home. There was no shortage of art materials in   exhibitions, he also got to meet many of his father’s     has always been drawn to images                                             how these personalities
            their house, and Srinjoy was lucky to play with them.   famous artist friends. His childhood was not only filled   and stories of utopias. Srinjoy                                             are generally seen, placing
            “When I played with my clay, my father would select one   with art but also with an understanding of the larger    says, “Perhaps seeing my father                                             celebrities such as Marilyn
            of the figures from my crazy mess and announce that   “art world.” He says, “I believed that I was born to be an   as a successful artist, as well as                                          Monroe and characters such
            it was a masterpiece.” Srinjoy’s father would display the   artist and that I belonged in the art world,” Srinjoy says.   reading about and seeing the                                         as Mickey Mouse in stories
            clay figure in a showcase in their house, alongside his   Eventually, he made art his career.                      works of the greatest artists in                                            where we wouldn’t expect to
            collection of artifacts from around the world.
                                                                 Srinjoy’s father never imposed any rules or guidelines on     history, gave me a utopian image                                            see them. When the unique
            Srinjoy also spent many evenings with his father visiting   him to paint in a particular way. He inspired Srinjoy to   of the art world.” And of course,                                       digital collage is created,
            the studios of artisans and potters. Srinjoy says, “On these   be intuitive and to find his own creative expression. As   he adds, Bollywood movies and                                        Srinjoy incorporates it into
            magical evenings, I would explore the amazing artworks   a result, Srinjoy believed that he could somehow create   the huge, colorful, hand-painted                                            his painting. In this way, the
            that were being made. I can still smell the clay in those   his own new kind of artistic technique. He was always   billboards for them could look like utopias, too.   “ICON” collection helps us to see the world differently—
            studios and see the artists’ tools scattered everywhere.”   very fond of collaging and assemblage. Another favorite   Utopias can be inspiring models of hope. As Srinjoy got   just as Srinjoy’s early experiences with art helped him to
            When he was really young, Srinjoy would often invade   was scribbling on printed images from newspapers or         older, he learned that utopias can’t always be achieved.   create a world all his own.
            his father’s studio when he was busy painting, and sit   magazines to create a new image. His childhood was        “Confronting the failed utopias in my personal life, and
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