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When Science Meets Art

 Dr. Hina Inam tells ChildArt Guest Editor, Dr. Katia Howlett,

 about her Artistic Journey to Medicine

 “ Every child is an artist.

 The problem is to remain an artist

 once they grow up.

                      —Pablo Picasso

 This was a favorite quote of mine when I was
 growing up. As a young child, I often sat on the stairs with
 my sketchbook, drawing my thoughts. This passion stayed
 with me, and eventually it became a part of my profession.
 Strange as it may sound, surgery and the arts are closely
 connected. Just as a painter thinks about and executes
 a painting, a surgeon is an artist creating masterpieces   Hina Inam
 in the operating room (OR). I simply shifted from having
 paintbrushes in my hand to a scalpel.
 Along my career path, the International Child Art
 Foundation (ICAF) has played a big role. I was once a shy
 little girl, but going to the United States representing my
 country at the World Children’s Festival and meeting all
 those incredibly talented kids, gave me confidence. Art
 became my speech; it became my passion. When I felt
 happy, I’d draw. When I felt sad, I’d find comfort in art. It also   Hina at the 1999 World Children’s Festival
 plays an important role in who I am today.  on the National Mall in Washington, DC
 It all began on a long Sunday, when I was a medical intern   I graduated in December 2019 as the first female cardiac
 at the busiest cardiothoracic (heart and chest) surgery   surgery resident from Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH)
 service in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan. I was called   in Karachi, and then joined AKUH as a Senior Resident. The
 to the OR. Because I had worked so hard as a student   job at this very busy cardiothoracic surgery service involves
 and intern, I was given the opportunity to perform a   six days of operations and academic activities. A supervisor
 “sternotomy” (chest opening). When I did, I saw the human   watches while I perform surgery. I also assist with coronary
 heart and the lungs for the first time. Simply put, it was love   artery surgeries for adults, and with replacing patients’
 at first sight. In that moment, I knew without any doubt   heart valves.
 that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
 Even though my routine is very busy, I take time out to
 While I was still an intern, I started reading about cardiac   sketch, draw, and paint whenever I can. It gives me peace.
 surgeries. Whenever I had time, I drew different views of the   It’s my “happy place” after a long day’s work. Art has helped
 heart. I was fascinated by the heart’s rhythm and efficiency.   me grow in so many ways: It has taught me patience, made
 Even today, while I’m waiting for the patient to be prepared   me focus, and made me passionate. All these qualities have
 for surgery, I usually sketch. This helps me “see” the steps of   helped me grow in my career, too. Now my canvas is the
 the operation, and concentrate on what I plan to do for the   human heart, and stitches are my paints.
 patient. It’s much like the steps of a dance.
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