Page 20 - ChildArt_Oct-Dec 2020_ABCDstudy
P. 20


                                                                                                                                Like so many others, the coronavirus pandemic has taken so much from me. I have

                                                                                                                               been affected physically, mentally, and socially. I am tired of being home, and I wish
                                                                         This sand dollar reminds me of my family                we all could have the same amount of freedom that we had before this pandemic
                                                                         vacations in Maine. We go to Maine
                                                                        “y year and we are happy there and                    began. Luckily, I have still been able to continue dancing. Dance has not only allowed
                                                                         find sand dollars and enjoy the beach.                 me to stay active, it has also taken a big weight off of my shoulders especially with
                                                                         We couldn’t go this year. So, I couldn’t                 all of the added stress and fear I have gathered throughout quarantine. I dance
                                                                         see my turtle and frogs. I miss them. I
                                                                         created this gyotaku art for school. And               because it makes me happy. Dance allows me to express myself in a way that only I
                                                                         every time I look at it, I feel happy.                can. Each movement varies from person to person which is why so much emotion can
                                                                                              —Camden M.                       be expressed while dancing. The dance community is very tight knit. I do my absolute
                                                                                                                               best to understand, and provide everyone with the same amount of love and support
                                                                                                                              that they give to me. Although the light at the end of the tunnel is not visible yet, I will
                                                                                                                                   continue to move forward and dance will be next to me every step of the way.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              —Olivia T.
       Essence of Art  = Expression


                                   A lot of time, people don’t know how to express themselves.

                                 They have trouble communicating and showing their emotions.
                                 The arts can help with that. I have been able to express myself
                                                                                                                                Meanwhile the world is facing a
                                    through music and writing. I love to express my feelings by
                                                                                                                                 crisis, Art is a way of expression
                                     playing my violin and writing short stories. For example,                               “ and escape from negativity.
                                  sometimes I am dealing with family issues and I don’t want to                                     Art is a passage to another
                                                                                                                                     dimension where I’m able
                                   talk about it. When I play my violin or write, I can deal with                                  to create my own world. Art

                                    those feelings and express them. Also, those activities have                                   simply makes me feel better
                                                                                                                                and precise about the way I see
                                             helped me to express my feelings about what’s going                                            my environment.

                                                on in the world right now with the coronavirus and                                 Many people have different
                                                  the Black Lives Matter Movement. It was a lot to                              ways of expression, but I choose
                                                                                                                                   Art. Art is everywhere, if you
                                                  deal with, but these hobbies have helped me get                                  allow your imagination you
                                                   through it. Expressing feelings means that I will                                     can create anything!
                                                                                                ”                                                                                                                                      21
                                                  have less stress. Stress leads to bad health. So,                                            —Kamila D.
                                             doing my hobbies and expressing my feelings leads to
                                                    good health, mentally and physically.

                                                                                                     —Sarah S.
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