Page 17 - ChildArt_Oct-Dec 2020_ABCDstudy
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Music’s Harmony on the

 Developing Brain:

 Data from the ABCD Study

 By Tim Brown, Ph.D.
 Associate Professor of Neurosciences
 Sentia Lab for Childhood Systems Neuroscience                 many common school skills like naming letters or counting.
 Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute          We also found the reverse is true: Many kids who are the
 University of California, San Diego                           best at these early academic tasks aren’t as good as many
 School of Medicine                                            of their classmates at hitting the right notes when they’re
                                                               singing. We’ve also measured children’s abilities to tap to a
 John R. Iversen, Ph.D.  questions, too. For example, does a child who studies how   rhythm, which showed similar results. Taken together, what
        to play a musical instrument get better in school because
 Associate Research Scientist, Institute for Neural Computation  we found suggests that musical abilities at this age might
 Associate Director, Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience  of music … or do kids who do well in school already also do   develop separately from other skills that are commonly
 University of California, San Diego  John Iversen  well at music, or get more chances to take lessons?  measured in school.
        Our research team has started a project called EARLI (Early
        Academic Readiness and Learning Intervention) to explore   One lesson from this research is that musical skills can
        some of these questions. In this project, funded by the   provide a new window into a child’s strengths. This
        National Endowment for the Arts and private donations,   information could help families and teachers approach
 Music is an important part of human culture, and the idea that it’s important for learning has been around   we’re seeing if a fun, daily program of group singing   each child from a place where they’re already strong to
 at least since ancient times. Confucius and Socrates wrote that music training contributes to a refined mind and   lessons—developed by an experienced teacher from the   help improve other skills. To go along with our EARLI study,
 harmonious society. Now, researchers are looking at how music might help kids learn.   San Diego Children’s Choir—helps young children do   we’re also taking a deep dive into what the ABCD Study has
        better as they enter kindergarten.                     found out; in fact, music is the most frequently reported
 Encouraging children to reach their full potential, while celebrating individual differences, is complicated. Researchers   arts activity in the ABCD Study. With a grant funded by
 approach this challenge in many ways—from small studies that test the effects of a particular music training program on   We first worked with kids to get an idea of how each one’s   the National Institutes of Health, we’re also exploring
 children’s abilities to think and do different tasks, to very large studies like the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study   skills were already developing in areas like language, math,   connections between how much music experience
 (ABCD Study). The ABCD Study is examining connections between a child’s experiences with music and their other abilities   attention, hearing, melody, and rhythm. Then, some of the   each child has; measures such as math performance,
 and outcomes.   children began taking a half hour singing lesson four times   language, and memory; and changes in the child’s brain
        a week for two months. After that, we repeated our initial
 Past research has suggested that music might improve a child’s language skills and their ability to pay attention, and that   structure over a period of time. By combining the ABCD
 kids involved in music might come to school more often and stick with school longer. But this research has raised a lot of   research to see if the music training changed the path of   Study’s results with very detailed studies like EARLI, we’re
        each child’s development (for example, did it speed up?).   continuing to learn about how music may affect—and
        It was important to check if it was really the music that   improve—children’s health and education.
        had any effect, so we also worked with children who did
        not get the music training. We did this research in schools
        and involved the children’s teachers, families, and school
        administrators, in order to get “the big picture” about the
        children’s learning.
 Score  So far, we’ve focused on one question: Does a child’s
        musical abilities match their academic skills like reading
        and math? Previous research has shown that children who
 Children with
 low vocabulary and  do well on one kind of school skill, like naming letters, also
 excellent singing  tend to be good at other school skills, like counting—even
        though those skills may seem pretty different. Do early
 Better  developing musical abilities act this way, too?
 Tim Brown  Singing
 Score  Our results suggest that they don’t. Using a task that
        requires kids to sing the same notes they hear from a music
 Vocabulary and singing scores for students in the EARLI study   teacher, we found that some of the very best singers at pre-  In-school singing training in a transitional kindergarten class.
 (each dot is the score for one student).  kindergarten ages don’t do as well as their classmates at
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