Page 35 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
P. 35

34      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                         JAN-MAR 2021      35

 CHINA’S  Headquartered in BROAD Town, near Changsha,   that  private  airplanes  are  not  environment-

 the  capital  city  of  Hunan  Province  in  southern
            friendly, he gave up the privilege of using them
 China, the BROAD Group is a global leader in
            and has kept one helicopter for emergency use.
 GREEN  industrial climate control, air purification systems,   Local  media  in  China  compare  Zhang  Yue  to
 and prefabricated construction technology that
            Steve  Jobs’s.  “I  think  I’m  more  like  Thomas
 enables  tall  buildings  and    skyscrapers  to  be
            Edison because my inventions cover a
 PROPHET   built  at  three  floors  per  day,  and  winner  of  the   wider range than Steve Jobs’. I have invented
 Champions of the Earth Award by the United
            mechanical  products,  electrical  products,  and
 Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).
            complete systems. I think my talent is in creation.”
 The BROAD Group’s chairman and co-founder   building materials, from a single product to
 Zhang Yue grew up in a small town in Hunan and
 developed his interest in art in kindergarten. His art   In  this  era  of  global  warming,  environment
 teacher in school taught him all she knew, and as   deterioration,  and  ozone  depletion,  BROAD
 he gained admirers, his self-esteem grew. He was   specializes in CFC-free and energy efficient “non-
 the best artist in town and almost everyone in that   electric air conditioning” and cooling solutions
 little town knew him. His art led him to develop   for commercial, industrial, and institutional use,
 business communication skills through   including use in Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
 commercial art paintings and advertisements.   applications. Zhang stresses that “environmental
 At 18,  he purchased a  secondhand Japanese   protection  is  more  important  than  profit.  The
 motorcycle and soon enough he began repairing   reason why I continuously pay attention to
            environmental protection is that technology
 it. His family had a secondhand piano which was
 totally broken down and no one could play it.   development can help with energy conservation
 When the repairman came, Yue helped him for   and reduction of carbon emissions.   I see that
 an entire month until the piano was fixed. Soon   the more prosperous our world is, the more
 thereafter, he taught himself to become a   dangerous the living environment is. I can’t
 mechanical engineer.  do very much in changing the living attitude of
            human beings, and I don’t have enough power
 “These experiences improved my hands-on skills.   to change their conventional thoughts. But what I
 I think the education for young people should   can do is to concentrate on technologies, to use
 focus on how to make stuff by hand, be it in   my technologies to bring about change. I have
 a factory, a laboratory, or an agricultural field.   great determination in this, because I can clearly
 Through painting I developed the ability of   see that if we do not make changes right now, our
 observation and expression which helped   planet does not have a future.”
 teach me mechanical engineering. I developed
 this habit of creation, to create things. During   He is passionate about environmental education.
 this  process  I  can  find  the  meaning  of  self-   “I think that all these things cannot be totally
            changed by adults, so we must lay our hopes
 satisfaction, self-fulfillment and accomplishment.
 All  of  our  products  in  the  BROAD  Group  are   in the next generations. I think that we need
 developed and created by ourselves. We have   a  revolution  in  the  education  system.  People’s
 never copied any technologies from others. That   mindset can only be changed while they are
 is the thing that I feel most proud of.” Using his   young. I think that’s why we should develop
            new curricula for schools and universities.  The
 $3,000 in savings, he started a company in 1988
 to produce-non-pressure heating boilers based   pursuits  of  consumerism  and  economic  growth
 on his patented design. His ethic of hard work   should change. Otherwise, within 100 years I can
 and his penchant for inventions and innovation   see that there still will be frequent environmental
            disasters happening.  By that time, we won’t
 ZHANG YUE  grew the company into the privately owned   have a livable planet.”
 BROAD Group, a global business with BROAD
 FOUNDER  USA headquartered in Hackensack, New Jersey.   He discusses the progress he has made. “Last
 At that time, the BROAD Group was the largest
            year I had some discussions with former UN
 BROAD GROUP  taxpayer to the Chinese government and Yue was   Secretary-General  Ban  Ki-moon.  We  discussed
 the first Chinese citizen to own a private airplane.
            the  textbooks  for  primary  and  middle  school
 CHANGSHA, CHINA  He came to own  seven, but after realizing   students in China, North Korea, South Korea

 ZHANG YUE CHINA’S GREEN PROPHET                                                                 
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