Page 33 - ChildArt_Magazine_Oct-Dec2015
P. 33

A Shaman’s Path

                            to the Future                                 by JEAN CAMPBELL

                                                               Did you know that a Native American Shaman created
                                                               a ceremony just for the World Children’s Festival?  It was
                                                               Lakota/Dakota elder and spiritual teacher, Woableza, at
                                                               the WCF2007. This year, as has been true since 2007,
                                                               the WCF closed with this special ceremony, followed by
                                                               the world’s largest drumming circle for children.
                                                                  The ceremony demonstrated the teachings of the
                                                               circle in the Medicine Way, which is the Native Ameri-
                                                               can belief that Spirit holds all things equally and that
                                                               we grow in wisdom as we understand our relationship
                                                               with others in the circle of life. Woableza asked that we
                                                               provide four “Grandmothers,” from various traditions,
                                                               and that the Grandmothers enter the circle of children
                                                               from the traditional four directions (north, east, south,
                                                               and west).
                                                                  So the Grandmothers carried bowls containing seeds,
                                                               water, flower petals and herbs, and these were given to
                                                               the children. Each child in the circle held whatever he
                                                               had selected close to his heart while making a wish for
                                                               the future of all the children. As the child spoke, he
                                                               symbolically released that which he held into the future.
                                                               One young girl released a wish for unicorns for all. We
                                                               might be surprised!
                                                                  The World Dreams Peace Bridge is an international
                                                               group of dreamers, most of whom first get involved
                                                               online. Each time the WCF happens, members of the
                                                               Peace Bridge create a global drumming circle. This year,
                                                               the drumming circles started in Australia, California,
                                                               Canada, Germany, and Iran, and then culminated at the
                                                               WCF at The Ellipse. 3

                                                               Jean Campbell heads the World Dreams Peace Bridge
                                                               which is based in Virginia.

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