Page 30 - ChildArt_Magazine_Oct-Dec2015
P. 30

The Dream Which is

                                 Bigger Than I Am


        What is a dream?  I like to define it as something we
        carry with us in our minds. We believe it, and it drives us.

        If we start helping our dream by doing things to take us
        in the direction of our dreams, we begin to exercise our
        talents and energy toward a vision. Dreams and visions
        are natural for humans because we are a creative species
        driven to explore, invent, discover. We each have our
        own ideas to follow and dreams to create.

        The WCF attendees had dreams ranging from having a     Ms. Boys with the New Zealand Arts Olympiad winners
        wonderful festival to becoming an architect. Together,   and ICAF board member Portia Davidson
        they represented just a small fraction of the millions of
        possible art dreams.                                   dreams? Think about the people around you. Maybe
                                                               your family, teachers, or friends can help. They might
        But a dream is just the beginning. If we only dream    have good advice, or they might be able to give you
        about an idea and do not act upon it by taking steps,   information about other resources you can turn to.
        even little ones, toward making it a reality, then our   Look for clubs, camps, or schools that can support your
        dreams can die. Sometimes, we are not sure we are on   dream. Reach out to businesses or other organizations
        the right track. Like snails peeping from their shells, we   that might help with support, advertising, or by giving
        try to find a path to follow. Obstacles may keep us from   you an opportunity to apply the skills you are developing
        getting very far the first time, but we learn as we go. We   as part of your dream.
        learn to keep our dream with us no matter how long it
        may take. Big dreams are those that may take an entire   Think about what you need to keep your journey on
        lifetime to achieve.                                   course for success. Dreams may guide us toward a goal,
                                                               but it is up to us to map out a path for getting there.
        So where can you turn for support with your dream?     Baby steps can lead us in the right direction, breaking
        Festival participants were happy to share their ideas   a large vision into a manageable process. However big
        with each other, and those conversations allowed them   your dream is, the path to getting there is made up of
        to expand and refine their dreams. Just getting to     smaller steps, persistence, hard work, and support. 3
        Washington was part of a dream which had come true
        and helped them to see bigger possibilities ahead. Who
        can you share your ideas with to help nurture your
                                                                      Shona Hammond Boys is founder of

                                                                      New Zealand Art House Foundation.
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