Page 36 - ChildArt_Magazine_Oct-Dec2015
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Thank you

              The Magazine of the International Child Art Foundation  to all the young artists and their parents and teachers,
                                                                volunteers and interns, and the ICAF staff and board
                                                                members for making the WCF2015 a great success. The
                           2016                                 next WCF will take place in 2019. To nurture creativity

                                                                and develop global understanding through the arts, you
                                                                can subscribe to ChildArt at
                                                                  Please consider adopting the International Child
                          will bring                            Art Foundation as your charity this year. Since 1997,

                                                                the ICAF has been nurturing our children’s creativity
                   Magic of Music (Jan.-Mar. 2016)              through in-school programs like the Arts Olympiad
                    Water? Water! (Apr.-June 2016)              and imbuing creativity with empathy in global

                      Space Art (July-Sept. 2016)               community settings such as the WCF. The ICAF has
                  Learning Design (Oct.-Dec. 2016)              been independently ranked among the Top 25 Children’s
                                                                Charities in the United States.
                                                                  You could help the ICAF bring back ChildArt as a
                                                                printed magazine as well. Free of commercial advertise-

                                                                ments, this amazing publication is packed with innova-
                                                                tive and inspirational ideas.  Please help us raise $24,000
                  You can mail your donation or                 by the end of 2015 to ensure that all four 2016 issues are
                       subscription form to:
                 International Child Art Foundation             available in both print and electronic formats so parents
                                                                and schoolteachers have a choice. Whatever your contri-
                          P. O. Box 58133
                       Washington, D.C. 20037                   bution is, it will tremendously help.
                  Like us at              the ICAF or submitted online at
                                                                  Your tax-deductible contribution can be mailed to

                                                                port/ using Amazon or JustGive. We wish you a happy
                                                                Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season!
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