Page 25 - ChildArt_Magazine_Oct-Dec2015
P. 25

“This is the beginning of new and unique
                                                              things for us, for our school, and our country

                                                              after a long period of silence in arts for
                                                              children with disabilities.”

        youngest at age 9, is an amazing conga player.         for the future. St. Giles is committed to working hard
           The five performing artists could not see the festivities  to identify new talent and provide additional training.
        but enjoyed every performance, the music from different  The WCF experience has provided the motivation and
        cultures, and the many languages in which other chil-  foundation to establish global networks with a common
        dren greeted them. They liked the smell of the WCF and  goal of supporting art and opportunities for children
        they spoke softly in English with everyone they met.   with disabilities. As the exuberant Rumbidzai said in a
        Though opportunities for children with disabilities are   television interview after arriving back home, “This is
        limited in some places, Tanyaradzwa and friends proved   the beginning of new and unique things for us, for our
        that given the opportunity, they could do great things.    school, and our country after a long period of silence in
        While in DC, they created music and fun for WCF        arts for children with disabilities.” 3
        attendees and performed as special guests at the World
        Children’s Banquet.  They even presented an mbira to   Trust Mutekwa is an mbira teacher and performan
        the Embassy of Zimbabwe.                               poet at St. Giles Special School in Harare and a
           Most promising of all is the seed that was planted   graduate of the University of Zimbabwe.

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