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My Light                                                                                                       The ABCD Data Treasure Chest

            When someone dies                                                                                                  The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development             importantly, the public.

            are they really gone?                                                                                              (ABCD) Study is following more than 11,800             Scientists are already analyzing the first two years of ABCD
                                                                                                                               children and their families in 21 communities          Study data. For example, two researchers at the University
          The apples in the garden                                                                                             across the United States. (“Cognitive development”     of Colorado, Boulder (one of the ABCD research sites)
                                                                                                                               means development of a person’s ability to think, learn,
         miss your callused touch,                                                                                             understand, and remember information.) Beginning when   have shown that children of mothers who had reported
                                                                                                                                                                                      using marijuana when they were pregnant had more sleep
                                                                                                                               the children were ages nine and ten, the study will follow   disorders.1 This observation will now be studied more
          and the Earth, it seems,                                                                                             them for ten years, collecting a treasure trove of information   deeply to see if being exposed to marijuana while they’re
             can’t weep enough.                                                                                                as the children navigate their teenage years and become   in the mother’s womb directly affects children’s sleep. (The
                                                                                                                               young adults. It will collect information about their physical   ABCD Study will help answer many other questions about
                 Forever feels                                                                                                 and mental health, activities, and academic progress;   possible long-term effects of being exposed to drugs in the
                                                                                                                               their environments; and the social and cultural forces that
                  more real                                                                                                                                                           womb.)
                                                                                                                               could either make them stronger or increase the risks
                                                                                                                               they face. And that’s just the beginning: The study is using   A research team at the National University of Singapore
             than the rain does.                                                                                               technologies such as advanced brain imaging methods    (not affiliated with ABCD) studied children who consumed
                 You’re gone                                                                                                   and wearable sensors to explore brain development, sleep   different amounts of caffeine and how well they learned,
                                                                                                                               patterns, and more.                                    thought, and remembered information. The researchers
                but the story                                                                                                                                                         found that children who consumed greater amounts of
                                                                                                                               In many ways, the ABCD Study reflects a new era of science.   caffeine scored lower on vocabulary tests, had a harder time
                    lives on                                                                                                   First, as one of only a few “big data” studies of its kind, it is   remembering information, and processed new information
                                                                                                                               collecting massive amounts of information from thousands   more slowly, and more. This might mean that consuming
                   in a bed                                                                         Art by Jake O.             of participants: genetic data, brain images from magnetic   more drinks containing caffeine (such as energy drinks and
                  of neurons                                                                                                   resonance imaging (MRI), and much more. It will all add   many soft drinks) affects kids’ cognitive abilities as they
                                                                                                                               up to many trillions of bytes of information! How is this   grow up; or it could mean that children whose cognitive
                you once said,                                                                                                 possible? Scientists can now ask—and get answers for—  abilities are affected by other things are more likely to drink
                                                                                                                               bigger questions than ever before, thanks to advances
             electrical impulses                                                                                               in computing, artificial intelligence (also called machine   these beverages. Finding out more about connections like
                                                                                                                                                                                      this can help families to support their children’s cognitive
                                                                                                                               learning), and data storage.                           development in the most effective ways.
             with enough power
                    to light                                                                                                   A second groundbreaking aspect of ABCD is that it uses   ABCD data are released to the wider research community
                                                                                                                               an “open science” model. This means that any researcher
                                                                                                                                                                                      once a year. In Fall/Winter 2020, the third batch of ABCD
                                                                                                                               anywhere in the world can apply for access to almost all of   data—ABCD Data Release 3.0—will be made available on
               entire universes.                                                                                               the information collected, and analyze that data on their   the ABCD website. This information will help us learn how
            I wish you were here                                                                                               own. The ABCD Study data could help answer many more   children’s involvement in arts activities like music, dance,
                                                                                                                               questions than the approximately 185 scientists who are   and visual arts may be related to how well they do in school
              but you are there                                                                                                directly involved in the study could explore. Researchers   (see “Music’s Harmony on the Developing Brain: Data from
            where stars like you                                                                                               can also review the answers that other researchers publish,   the ABCD Study” by Tim Brown and John Iversen on page
                                                                                                                               using the same data—helping to correct any mistakes and   16). These data—like all the data the study is collecting—
             are meant to burn                                                                                                 keep scientific progress moving more quickly. This will   could unlock new discoveries that improve the lives of
                                                                                                                               help everybody in the scientific community—and, most
           like diamonds studded                                                                                                                                                      children, adolescents, and adults.
                                                                                                                                                  To learn more about how to obtain data from the ABCD Study, visit
                  in the sky,
                 your bright                                                                                                               Terry L. Jernigan, Ph.D.                                Sandra A. Brown, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                           ABCD Study Principal Investigator                       ABCD Study Principal Investigator
                   presence                                                                                                                University of California, San Diego                     University of California, San Diego
                                                                                                                                           Professor of Cognitive Science, Psychiatry,
              forever my light.                                                                                                             and Radiology                                          Vice Chancellor for Research and

                                                                                                                                           Director of Center of Human Development                  Distinguished Professor
                     By Phillip Nguyen                                                     Art by Austin O.
                    Research Assistant                                                                                         1
                University of Vermont                                                                                          2
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