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4      CHILDART      CHANGING ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                                                                                                JUL-SEP 2021      5


                                                                                                                                                                                              Cool Ways to
                                                                                                                                                                                              Fight Climate Change

                      06 YOUTH VOICES                               10 A FOUNDATION HELPING LIFE FLOURISH                           28 HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE                                              32
           AMELIE PANACCIONE + SOPHIE FERRICK                                    SAMANTHA CAMPBELL                                            INDRA FRANK, MD, MPH                              COOL WAYS TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE

                    YOUTH AMBASSADORS                                                  PRESIDENT                                       ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & WATER                                      PURDUE UNIVERSITY
            KENNEBUNKPORT CLIMATE INITIATIVE                          THE KEITH CAMPBELL FOUNDATION FOR THE                                     POLICY DIRECTOR
                                                                                     ENVIRONMENT                                      HOOSIER ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL

                                                                                     What do
                                                                                     you know
                                                                   55 6              about bees                           10          40
                                                                                     or trees?
                                                                 It takes 556 bees to make   40  What do               remain
                                                                  one pound of honey. A                                 The vaquita, the world’s
                                                                 single bee produces about   you know                   rarest marine mammal, is a
                                                                  one tablespoon of honey                               small porpoise that lives in
                                                                   in its lifetime.  about                              the northern gulf of CA. It
                                                                                                                        is on the brink of extinction.
                                                                                     porpoises                         Most experts agree there are
                                                                                     or plastics?      many?              only ten left!
                                                                           115       The first
                                                                                     step toward
                                                                                     change is
                                                            18          million      knowledge.                 8 years             17       40
                                                                          cars and trucks fill the
                                                        million         roadways every day. Only 3-4%            to grow an orange from a seed.   gallons
                                                                         of workers in the US bike or
                                                                        walk to work. More than 75%
                                                                                                                 You’ve got to plan ahead if you
                                                                                                                                   Shorter showers, 34 LAYING THE GROUND RULES
                14 MEET MR. TRASH WHEEL                   tons            drive alone to work.      40            want to grow oranges!  please! The average                                            38 MAPPING CHANGE
                       MR. TRASH WHEEL                    of plastic ends up in the    HOW MANY?      Knowledge                   American shower uses   FADHIL AHMAD QAMAR                         GHAAMID ABDULBASAT HATIBU
                                                                                                                                   17 gallons of water.
                                                          ocean each year. Have
                                                          a heart and do your
                                                          part to protect the many   40               is power.
          WATERFRONT PARTNERSHIP OF BALTIMORE             creatures that call the   COUNTING OUR ENVIRONMENT                               ICAF YOUTH BOARD MEMBER                                             FOUNDER
                                                          ocean waters home.
                                                                        40                   how 18   can guide                    EXPERT STAFF TO MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT                     TANZANIAN YOUTH BIODIVERSITY NETWORK
                                                                      years                           your actions.      15             THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                                                                                                      It will lead
                                                                                                                                         OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA
                                                                     Can you pass that goalie shirt   to curiosity,
                                                                     on to the next goalie? Fabrics                   billion
                                                                      commonly used for sports        questions,
                                                                      clothing take 30-40 years to
                                                                                                                       trees are cut down in the
                                                                      decompose. They also use a      and then…       world every year. Trees are
                                                                      lot of water to manufacture.    solutions!      major players in combatting
                                                                                                                      climate change, absorbing
                                                                                                                        CO2 and releasing oxygen.
                         20 OUR DAY                                         24 ART CHANGING HEARTS                                                       42                                                       44
                        JORIE GRAHAM                                              SHELLEY ROGERS                                           YOUTH IN THE ENVIRONMENT                              WORLD CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL AND CREDITS
                             POET                                              ARTISTS FOR THE EARTH
                    HARVARD UNIVERSITY                                        CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR

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