Page 43 - ChildArt_2021.Q1_Global Creative Leaders
P. 43

42      CHILDART      GLOBAL CREATIVE LEADERS                                                         JAN-MAR 2021      43

 THE ALTERNATIVE                                       promptly  founded  the  Right  Livelihood  Award,  selling  his

                                                       stamp collection worth over one million US dollars at the time,
                                                       for initial funding. Often referred to as the “Alternate Nobel
 NOBEL PRIZE                                           Prize,” it is one of the most prestigious awards in the
                                                       world promoting sustainability, social justice and peace.

                                                       Recipients of the Right Livelihood  Award are initially
                                                       nominated by individuals or organizations around the world in
                                                       an open process. The Foundation processes more than one
 OLE VON UEXKÜLL                                       hundred nominations yearly. The Foundation’s research team
                                                       reviews the nominations which culminates in an international
 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                    Jury  making  the  final  decision  on  the  year’s  Laureates.
                                                       The winning Laureates’ accomplishments are then publicly
 RIGHT LIVELIHOOD AWARD FOUNDATION                     recognized for the world to see.

 STOCKHOLM                                             Ole von Uexküll holds the position of Executive Director of the
                                                       Right Livelihood Foundation. He is the nephew of Jakob von
                                                       Uexküll, and he, too, has a passion for international affairs and
                                                       activism. His interest began in his early childhood growing up

 Throughout  all  generations  of  time  people  have  identified   in Western Germany during the 1980’s, a decade that included
 changes that would improve their communities and the greater   one of the pivotal moments in world history. In 1989 the world
 world. Sometimes these people are called activists, sometimes   witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall, that divided communist
 they are called disrupters, and sometimes they are even   East Germany from West Germany. Ole’s parents took him
 called  heroes.  For  Generation  Z,  youth  today  between  the   to rallies while political movements were taking place, and as
 ages of eighteen and twenty-three, activism through youth-led   he grew into a young adult he became increasingly aware of
 movements has increasingly been recognized and successful   events not just within Germany, but from a global standpoint.
 on a global scale. Environmental conservation is a major cause   Ole  became  aware  of  the  criticisms  of  progress  toward
 that today’s youth involve themselves in not only for their own   liberal democracy and recognized that for democracy to be
 future, but for the generations to follow.            successful, it had to be made increasingly inclusive.
 Activism  among  youth  has  particularly  come  to  light  during   With a career history involving leadership and diplomacy in
 the pandemic in the form of digital arts. Illustrations, digital   the European Parliament in Brussels, the United Nations
 exhibitions, and campaigns using hashtags have allowed young   Environment Programme in Paris, and the German Parliament
 people to channel their creativity to collaborate as a community   in Berlin, Ole believes that it is crucial to work for change
 even when far apart. The digital platform enables them to gain   where you are and with your talents. “Children have a very
 inspiration from others, and to pursue leadership roles in their   good moral compass.” He emphasizes that often children
 communities to enact change. Platforms and creative outlets   are better at recognizing problems within their communities
 for activism have grown and undoubtedly, leaders in these   than adults, and that it is important for children to tap into this
 movements are deserving of recognition for their life-changing   and take advantage of the opportunities to become activists
 positive impact on others.                            and advocates for positive change early on.
 The Right Livelihood Foundation seeks to promote peace   The Right Livelihood Foundation’s four pillars— honor,
 and justice and eliminate material and spiritual poverty   support, educate, and inform—are fostered through the
 throughout the world. Based in Sweden, it was founded in   partnerships it creates with universities, connecting academics
 1980 by Jakob von Uexküll. Stamp collecting sparked Jakob’s   with activists. His advice to young and future activists is to
 interest in the wide world. Following the roots of movements   “go from your inside to action,” encouraging youth to think
 for peace around the world, he noticed a disconnect between   from  within  about  the  things  that  ought  to  be  changed  as
 decision making  in large  global conferences  and  what  was   the ideal first step to make a difference in one’s community.
 actually being implemented on the ground by activists.  Seeking   “Raise your voice and make your first experience as an
 support for these community activists who worked hard to   activist.” Recognizing the crucial work of the Laureates and
 provide practical solutions, Jakob approached the Nobel   further promoting their message to a worldwide audience is
 Foundation with the proposal to create two new prize categories   how Ole takes initiative for the global community and inspires
 to recognize individuals working for environmental causes and   activists from all walks of life.
 for social justice. When his proposal was not accepted, he

 OLE VON UEXKÜLL THE ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE                                                     
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