Page 11 - ChildArt_Oct-Dec 2020_ABCDstudy
P. 11

“                                                                               How has art

           Art relaxes me; it helps me take my mind off things and
        allows me to re-center myself. It’s gratifying to start with an
                                                                                    helped you
          image in my mind and develop it as different components

                          come to me while I’m working.

           Art also helps me see the world differently. For instance,               during this
         when looking at a landscape (in real life, a photograph, or
         a painting), I can identify the three “grounds”: foreground,               time?

              middle ground, and background. This allows me to
         appreciate everything I see around me much more deeply.
 Art by                                                                       ”
 Cricket L.                                                           —Emma C.

 Art + Science  = Power


 I see art in nature. Sometimes I see it in a leaf that

 What types of   looks like it’s been painted. Sometimes it’s the way
 a squirrel moves. I think water is very much like a
 art do you see   dance—water reflects trees and plants, but also

 in nature?  flowers, and sometimes dances are supposed to
 look like flowers. Water moves. The way it moves
 looks like a dance. The sky, that’s another brilliant

 piece of art. I love the way clouds move, but my
 favorite part about the sky is that in sunrise and

 sunset the sky changes colors. I like to paint nature
 landscapes because trees look very different from
 each other; mountains too. Also, there are many
 colors in a natural landscape. That’s what makes                                       Art by
 them so fun to paint.                                                                  Aaron G.

 —Michelle C.
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