Page 13 - ArtforHealth
P. 13




                                               The flagship program of the International Child Art
                                               Foundation, the Arts Olympiad, has grown since
                                               1997 into the world’s largest school art program.
                                               Through structured lesson plans that make connec-

                                               tions between mind and body, the Arts Olympiad
                                               inspires you to become an “artist-athlete” with a
                                               creative mind and healthy body. This revised
                                               self-image solidifies when you depict yourself as an

                                               ist-athlete playing your favorite sport.

                                               You will see how the Arts Olympiad is organized in
                                               a Long Island-New York school and internationally

                                               in Nigeria, Argentina, Uganda, and Azerbaijan. You
                                               will also meet an Arts Olympiad winner and view
                                               the “My Favorite Sport” artwork that serves both
                                               as mirrors and windows.
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